My name is Sudershan Sharma. I am a software professional originally from Indore city and currently I have US-India dual citizenship. I earned B.E./B.S. from Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science (SGSITS) in Electronics and Instrumentation and M.S. from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Computer Engineering with minor in Business. I am in USA for last 13 years. I mostly lived in sunny South Florida and currently I am working as a permanent employee in local US government. I am in Miami, FL for last 7 years.
Currently I am in transition phase to migrate back to Indore, India.
The blog is about my experiences about moving back to Indore (M.P.), India from U.S. after 13 years. I hope to answer some questions of NRIs via blog posts who are thinking to move back to India.